
  • Profile image
    Jim Garner Chair, Board of Directors President, JAHG Consulting
  • Alfonso Licata President and CEO, ORION
  • David Drury General Manager, Global Technology Services, IBM Canada Limited
  • Dino Miele, CIO, District School Board of Niagara
    Dino Miele Chief Information Officer, District School Board of Niagara
  • Profile image
    Deb MacLatchy President and Vice-Chancellor, Wilfrid Laurier University
  • Profile image
    Ron McKerlie President, Mohawk College and Mohawk College Foundation
  • Profile image
    Alex Giosa Independent Board Member and Mentor

Our Services

ORION continues to proudly support our users in their collaborative endeavors with advanced digital infrastructure and technology leadership, enabling transformation and discovery.

Our Team

At ORION, we are community builders. Our community-focused philosophy is reflected in everything we do: from enabling collaboration through advanced network solutions to hosting information events for Ontario’s researchers, educators and innovators.